Creating and Managing Item Prices


A. Creating New Item Prices

  1. Log into your ERPNext account

  2. Click on Stock.

  3. Under Items and Pricing, click on Item Price

  4. Click on 'New'.

  5. Click on 'Edit Full Page' to see all the fields you can edit for an item’s price

  6. Search for the item you will create a price for under Item Code. Selecting the item will load up the item details

  7. Under Price List, select the appropriate price list you want to . In this example (selling prices), select “Standard Selling” price list.

    • You will note that beside it, 'Selling' is checked. This shows you that you can also create a price list for the buying/purchasing side.

    • USEFUL TO KNOW: You can create different price lists, both for selling and buying, as needed. Multiple price lists can be useful for different geographies (e.g. Luzon vs VisMin pricing), currencies, and other parameters for the same items.

  8. Optional and Important: you can also choose the Customer that the item will apply to. If you select a customer here, then only that customer will have this pricing show up.

  9. Optional: you can set a time period when the pricing is valid, by selecting a starting and ending date under Valid From and Valid Upto.

10. Click ‘Save’ or press CTRL+S

B. Managing Item Prices

  1. Log into your ERPNext account

  2. Click on Stock.

  3. Under Items and Pricing, click on Item Price

  4. Search for the item you want to edit under the Item Code box at the top of the screen

You can also do more detailed and specific searches, such as searching prices for a specific customer, by using the button. For example, if you were to look for prices under customer Puregold, the search filter could look like this:

5. After finding the item, click on the item you would like to edit

6. Proceed with modifying the details you would like to change

7. Click 'Save' or press CTRL+S when done